This project has been done for quite some time - and those of you that are in my Stamp Club will realize that this is familiar. It's the tote that we made at our November meeting. My customer and Stamp Club member, Judy was the one who originated the idea, using the paper and ribbon, and it was so stunning, I had to duplicate it. The original that was made for Stamp Club was this one. Those in the other Stamp Club loved it so, most of them went with this design also. It's quite striking, and a great use of the flocked pattern of the Christmas Cocoa DSP. I added the tag - which is, of course, vellum snowflakes!!! Are you sick of seeing those from me yet???
Detail shot of gift tag:
Back side of gift tag:
In the's been snowing here in Iowa. I LOVE it!! I think you can tell a true Iowan by whether or not they like snow. And, if I wasn't carrying around this little item in my belly, I'd be able to get my snow pants on, and out there I'd be. Building a snow fort with my little guys. Will loves the snow just as much as I do, and has been dying to go out. I let him out this morning for about 10 minutes. But since it was only 3 degrees out, I couldn't let him out there very long. He was bummed out to have to come in, but maybe this afternoon the sun will warm up the air a bit more. Anywhere - here's a shot of some of our snow.
One of those poor little trees is completely buried under a snow drift. I hope it doesn't get hurt, the poor little thing!

I feel bad for any little birdie out in this house. Out there in the blowing snow - brrrr!!! Those snow drifts behind the birdhouse are about 5 feet high in the high spots. In a few days, I'm sure they will be transformed into some pretty cool forts. Good thing, my hubby is good at building forts, and enjoys it just like Will and I do.
Okay peeps...gotta get this posted so that I can get my Stamp Club stuff prepped. Gotta trim the tree tonight, and then an ultrasound bright and early in the morning to see the little one and after that Andy and I will be getting our Christmas shopping done.
So, ta ta!!!
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