Good Morning to you! I was kinda sad when I turned on my 'puter this morning and there weren't any new My Digital Studio downloads. It's one thing that I really really look forward to on a Tuesday. I mean; it's TUESDAY! What else do we really have to look forward to? Tacos. Not usually. Oh well. Guess that means I'll be more excited next Tuesday when the downloads are released.
Today tho, I'm sharing with you a project that was one of our Make and Takes at Leadership. We all love Make and Takes right - even us demos. It's great when everything is pre-planned and pre-cut and we can just assemble. Even this number. I didn't get thru all of my M&T's - I was too busy gabbing (surprise, surprise!). I think I only got 3 of them done and there were like 12 or something like that. Ya - they really, REALLY spoil us! Anyway.....
I made this when I got back. What does it have to do with Technical Tuesday or MDS???? Well, the phrase was designed in MDS and printed by the SU printers. All of the MDS printing that I have done has been printed at home, but when I touched and felt what the SU printers do, I was highly impressed! The quality is top-notch. Duh! It is Stampin' Up! What don't they do that's top-notch???
So, this is a little hybrid project - a pleasant mix of digital and paper crafting. Isn't it awesome? We need to keep in mind that with MDS - you can create til your hearts content. With this the possibilities are truly endless!
I was fortunate - it so happened that I already had a white/vanilla frame to put this one in. As soon as I saw it, I knew immediately that it was going to go in my daughter, Aubrie's room. She has some SU vinyl on her wall that says "We are too great for small dreams" and I thought this was quite fitting! I was thrilled and a bit surprised when I showed it to her and she was in awe - she did a little "awwww" and then I told her that we should put it in her room. She grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs. It was a sweet moment - and so gratifying to see that her little 20 month old mind was very appreciative of this!

Aren't those flowers and gems cute? They both come from the Occassions Mini - Blossom Builders Designer Printed Kit (p. 18). And what a steal - you get two 12x12 pages of printed, die cut flowers - and they are printed on BOTH sides - one side is patterened and the other is plain. Plus you get these pink gems in two sizes - all for just 9.95. For this flower, I encircled the big gem with the little ones. Just one more way you can change things up! You can get some for yourself by going to my online store - . And don't forget - Sale-A-Bration starts today! An added bonus for your $50 orders! Happy shopping!