Sorry for the blurry photo - I think Alex was pulling on my pant leg when I was trying to be photographer extrodinairre! And, if I didn't spell that right - well, sound it out, the word sounds like what I typed...yeah - I hear you sounding it out, that's X-tro-din-air. There - why didn't I just spell in like that to begin with - you know, Jan Tink style???

This shows the close up of the flowers - which btw are all die cuts. They made my life easy. I pierced the stems.

Grady is the newest addition to the Mitchell clan. He's super cute with a TON of hair. Very dark hair. Very dark spikey hair. At Christmas Will was asking his mom if we could keep him. I think Alex wanted to keep him too. He couldn't get enough. Anyway - here's his name frame. I didn't want it too babyish, because I wanted them to be able to keep it in his room for a while. Yet, it still needed that baby feel. I think I achieved what I was going for.

Alright - my hubby says that I must hit the hay now or he'll ban me from my bedroom. (he hates when I go to bed after he's fallen asleep, b/c then he wakes up and can't get back to sleep - please send him your sympathy) I'll post more name frames in the days to come! Ta-ta!
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