I'm a whole wheat kinda gal. It's a rare occassion when I buy white bread. I even prefer a wheat bun over white..... Today, I'm showing you some bleached wheat. Processed. Refined. What have you. My July Stamp Clubs worked on the Bleaching Technique. This gets you some really neat effects - and each turns out differently. Everytime. Here's the card:

Tell me, what's one of your fave techniques? I always love to hear/read your comments - so leave me some comment candy, would ya?
Really like this look ... very effective with the wheat. How did you apply the bleach? Did you stamp it on or apply it to the cardstock by another method? Please share the details so I can gave this a try. Thanks!
Neat technique. TFS. I'm now following your blog from SC. If you'd like to follow mine I'm at:
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