Do we lose it when we change our clocks from Daylight Saving Time back to regular time? I don't know, but I do NOT have enough hours in the day to save ME! Can we create Jen Saving Time? That would sure help me out. If I could live without sleep - that would be a way to add some hours into my day. But the doctors tell us that we must sleep, and every so often, my eyelids tell me the same thing. "You must sleep now, I'm shutting these lids so you can't see anything. Don't be alarmed, after a good night's sleep, I'll open again. No, no, don't try and force them back open, here I'll help you out. Do you feel how heavy your head is getting? It wants a pillow." And with that, I stop fighting the fight, and go to bed. Anyway - I know that I was to post photos of my creations for the Holiday Extravaganza on Monday. Well, I've hit a creative block. I have been working on things, it's just a matter of coming up with some "knock your socks off" items that all of you will be dying to make yourselves. So, I promise that I will REALLY try to post the pictures tonight....But, in the meantime, let me fill you in on the Holiday Extravaganza event itself!
First off - the event will be held on November 21st and 22nd. The location will be determined by the amount of attendees. Likely it will be at the Denison Municipal Utilities building.
You will have the option of making 10 cards, 25 gift tags or 8 gift package items. Maybe you will want to come both the 21st and 22nd and make cards one time and the tags the next? This is up to you. The fee is $15 for whichever item you elect to make. $15 for 10 cards, $15 for 25 gift tags, or $15 for 8 gift packages. Sounds like fun doesn't it!!!
The gift tags will be a variety of tags. There will be some that use rub-ons, some that are big, some that are small. You WILL love them! The gift packaging items will be: 2 gift bags, 2 bag toppers, 2 triangle pouches and 2 treat holders.
Again, I will try my best to get these items posted tonight....or at least tomorrow sometime. The deadline to sign up will be November 15th. I hope that will give everyone plenty of time to make their decisions!