Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Paper Players #107 Theme Challenge

Good day folks!  We're all about Back to School RULES this week over at the Paper Players - and let me just say....after the week I've had with my kiddos, I'm SO terribly ready for school to start.  Gosh - I could really tell there was a full moon this week and it must have had some very potent power.

Here's the card I created for this weeks challenge:

I'm not gonna lie - I was completely inspired by the Headliner card last week - from Anni.  Gosh, her card just inspired me all around.  I used her card more as a sketch than anything, and of course changed some things up.  I loved Anni's card and was going to be quite disappointed if mine wasn't as good.  In the end tho - I'm very happy with my results.  I was thrilled with the addition of the linen thread and button.  It added just the right elements.  And, of course, working with the Storytime DSP  - you can't go wrong.  Can you believe it, there is hardly any stamping on this card - just the sentiment.  That cute little girl I punched right out of the Storytime DSP.  Easy Peasy!

Go on now - go see what the rest of the splendid design team came up with!

The Paper Players Design Team


  1. I couldn't wait to leave on comment on your card, Jen! I absolutely ADORE it! Perfect mix of patterns and colors and I love the jaunty angle of the sentiment. Everything about it is just perfection. Thanks for rockin' my challenge this week!

  2. Very, very that paper! Sweet layout, too! BTW, did you know you still have your word verification on? Just wanted you to know!

  3. I am so honoured, Jen! And so happy that you could find inspiation in my card! Thank you for linking back to my blog!
    Your card turned out very well! I like it very much!

  4. Fabulous card Jen! Love the button/twine treatment and all the strips at different angles - perfect!

  5. Adorable Jen ! Love the ruler and the bunny on this sweet card.

  6. Too cute, Jen! Love the fun deign and the awesome color combo you used. SO perfect for back to school! Hope you had a fun weekend! Big hugs! :)

  7. Cute card Jen! Love the layout & the perfect combination of colours & elements. :)


I love to hear what you think of my work - please comment away!