Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goin' to the Chapel. And we're gonna get....

married.  Well, I'm not.  I'm happily married myself.  Although there are days that I could ring my hubby's neck....we've all felt like that, right?

Today I'm here to show you some wedding invited I created for a customer's daughter's wedding. 

These were created using My Digital Studio.  Have you heard that MDS2 is gong to be released on August 1st?  Yippee!!! Can't wait!  If you already have MDS, you can upgrade your system for $19.95.  If you've recently purchased the program (after May 8th) you can upgrade for FREE!  With 75 - yes SEVENTY FIVE - new features, there are going to be lots of fun to be had with this amazing software.

These invitations were quite simple to create.  I was also able to print an entire invite on one sheet of paper, so I didn't have a lot of waste.  I did end up with some scraps that I can use for other things because they were a nice size.

Initially, I had created a pocket on the bottom section above to hold the Reception/RSVP cards, etc.  But, because the caterer didn't need a RSVP number, they choose to not include the RSVP cards, and we eliminated the pocket - which really made these even easier to assemble!

The real beauty of these invites?  The invite itself is also the envelope!

Simply fold it up, place a seal on the back, flip it over, and write your addressee info and put it in the mail.  Plus, they are the right size that they don't cost any extra to mail.  Because they are on cardstock, they are very sturdy!  Nifty - eh!

If you'd like to learn more about My Digital Studio, I'm holding several classes (one per month), with the first one beginning July 31st at 5:30 pm.  Class will be held at the Denison Municipal Utilities Mtg. Room.  Fee is just $5.  Email me to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. I love these Jen. I think they are so elegant and the purple is just gorgeous!


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