Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You are simply wonderful!

I know, I've been slightly scarce.  Sorry.  Things have been crazy.  I'm working on things for the Artisan Studio that is about to open mid-month over in Woodbine, YAY!  I've been working on designing tickets for our church's fundraiser - a Comedy Cabaret.  Somehow I got myself on the committee - and I'm really not sure how.  I recall volunteering to help decorate and design flyers.  The next thing I know, we're having meetings, etc.  Oh well.  It's for the church, and I'm all for it!  Plus I've got meetings coming up for our church's summer Parish Picnic.  (that committee I knew I was on!)  PLUS, I've had stamp clubs to prep for and Will's birthday party.  He's gonna be SIX! in case you are wondering.  Doesn't seem possible.  At. All.   He's been home sick for the past two days - he went today, but then I got a call from school that said he left church this morning complaining of a tummy ache and they said he was green.  Well, yesterday he stayed home b/c he had an icky cough and ran a fever with it in the middle of the night.  So, to here symptoms of a tummy ache, I was surprised.  He seems fine once home, and I'm thinking he's working on his drama skills with the teachers!

I hope that caught you up!

Onto today's card.  This one actually uses the sketch over at Clean and Simple Sketches.  And let me tell you - 5 minute card.  Okay, maybe 10 minutes.  But it was a quicky!

Aren't those little flowers darling?  They are from the Blossom Builders Designer Printed Kit in the Occasions Mini.  And let me tell you a little something.  I was seriously not even considering buying this kit when I saw it.  It just didn't appeal to me.  Then they had a kit in our make and take bags at Leadership.  OMG!  Fell. In. Love.  I've purchased more.  Several more.  Watch out Stamp Clubbers - you'll be falling in love too.  One thing I love about them....they are patterned on one side and plain colored on the other.  They are made from a slightly textured cardstock so they have some guts to them.  Go on - get yourself some.  Check out the links on the bottom of this post to go directly to my website to get some for yourself.

1 comment:

I love to hear what you think of my work - please comment away!